2019 Winter Steelhead Date Availability(updated)
Prime conditions, prime water. Searching through a beautiful piece of winter steelhead goodness on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. photo Reid Curry
Availability Updated 2/2/19
Summer trout season came, summer trout season went. Fall steelhead season came, fall steelhead season went. But none of that matters now, for the most wonderful season of all is looming just ahead of us. As I’m sitting here writing this next to the wood burning stove, the weather is doing something fierce outside. Sideways rain, wind gusts, and cold temps. Could only mean one thing… it’s winter steelhead season! The season that occupies my thoughts and captures my imagination all year round. Visceral images of rain-soaked forests, perfect spey casts, and the knowing that the steelhead of a lifetime may may be lurking in the next run, or maybe even on the next cast…these are the images that consume many of us as we head into the most glorious season of all. Winter steelhead season is here, and we couldn’t be happier.
We are currently gearing up for our 2019 Olympic Peninsula winter steelhead season. In just a matter of weeks we will be swinging flies on the likes of the Hoh, Bogachiel, Sol Duc, Calawah, and Queets rivers. Our guide calendar is filling up quickly, but we still have a good selection of prime dates available. We would be thrilled to have you out on the water with us this winter, experiencing the magic of the Olympic Peninsula steelhead rivers first hand.
Here is our remaining 2019 winter steelhead availability, please be in touch if you would like to make any of these dates yours:
As of 2/2/19:
February 21
February 23
March 30-31
April 1-4
For those of you that are confined to weekends, the remaining weekend dates we have available are February 23rd and March 30th-31st.
Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to make a reservation. We hope to have you out on the water with us this winter!