Posts tagged Spey Casting
Olympic Peninsula Winter Steelhead Photo Journal

Sometimes words can only go so far and the best way to convey a place as special as Washington's Olympic Peninsula is through the visual medium. The magic of these coastal rivers and wild rain forests cannot be overstated. Words such as solitude, intense, quiet, spiritual, and meditative come to mind when I contemplate my time on these waters. Here is a collection of some of my favorite captures from the past several seasons on the Olympic Peninsula.

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Demystifying Spey Part 1: Lines - Skagit vs Scandi Heads

This is the first of a three part post series on the topic of Demystifying Spey. Meh, maybe it will be a four part series, this stuff is confusing. Actually, I am going to replace the word "confusing" with "nuanced"...this stuff is nuanced. My intention throughout this post series is to break down the primary components of a modern spey setup (rods, reels, lines, tips, and leaders), identify the various options on the market, and discuss the differences therein. Up first, Spey Lines: Skagit vs Scandi!

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Winter Steelhead Stoke

I've been wanting to say these words for some time, but I think now they are finally appropriate....winter steelhead season is upon us! For me, winter steelheading in the Pacific Northwest is what it is all about, it is my passion and the version of "fly fishing" that I hold dearest. Familiar winter steelheading scenes fill my imagination year round -- Swollen rivers carving their way through rain drenched forests, moss draped trees and ferns of every shade of green, and the sun momentarily breaking through endless rain showers sending fleeting rays of sun through the dense rain forest. I love it.

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